
looking forward to…anticipation a looking for as due,proper, or necessary thing looked forward to…a reason or warrant for looking forward to something;…prospect for the future, as of advancement or prosperity…the probability of the occurrence, duration, etc. of something

We all have expectations….of life….of our friends and family….of events….and ourselves……..we have expectations of zillions of things.

Many of those we are not even conscious of…take for example….a voice on the radio….. I can listen to that voice for a long time without much thought about the person ….until one day … I  when I saw  a photo of that …VOICE/person… I was surprised with what I saw…I don/t know what I had expected… however…what I saw did not seem to fit… I actually was impressed with what I saw..

So that goes to show that our expectations can not only disappoint us….but in some cases…far excede our expectations….What made me think about this subject was this …my blog.  Upon developing it my thoughts were….hmm…not exactly sure what to write….and if I do…who will even want to read it?

To my surprise….it now has over 31,000 hits…and I have to say…I am quite amazed about that….and on top of that….people actually took the time to comment….I did take a break from writing….but with the winter months rushing in…and the snow on it’s way….and seeing how many hits I have gotten….I am motivated….I am in a writing mood once again.

How about you….have you experienced any….”GREAT EXPECTATIONS ” lately???

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.


easily broken, shattered, or damaged; delicate; brittle; frail: a fragile ceramic container; a very fragile alliance.
vulnerably delicate, as in appearance: She has a fragile beauty.
lacking in substance or force; flimsy: a fragile excuse.

Have you ever thought about fragility…and fragile  things… like a snowflake or china bowl or maybe that  glass tea pot???…What about people??…..Have you ever met someone who seemed to be in a fragile state….or maybe it was you….have you ever  felt fragile???

Is it   true……Do others really mold our dreams and hold our hopes in their hands??….If that is true…others are vital to our lives……and if so…how carefully do we handle our relationship with them?.Is it with care… in the same way we handle  that rose bud about to open…or the fragile china bowl?….It is so easy to take for granted those closest to us….we are all guilty of that at times…..Imagine the centre of this little plate being you/me…..and all the buttons around us being family, friends and others…..by being careful with each other we are able to keep a strong connection…we are able to continue to touch each other’s hearts and be the strongest possible….


“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” – John Muir

Ever thought about …..Who you are hitched to ?




Life…it can get busy and there are times when we can no longer see the forest for the trees…..

here is a thought..

.I heard this many years ago and always thought it was good to remember every once in a while…so I will share it with you.

Rocks in the Jar

A Philosophy professor one day he picked up a large empty jar and proceeded to fill it with small rocks. He then asked his students if the jar was full? They unanimously agreed that the jar was full.

So professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked his students again if the jar was full. Again, they unanimously agreed that the jar was full.

Then the professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

“Now,” the professor said, “I want you to recognize that this is your life. The rocks are the important things: your family, your partner, your friends, your health, your children, and things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.”

Origin Unknown

How are your rocks keeping these days???


Creativity….So… how much creativity would you say is in your life??

Do you find things?? ….do you do anything with them once they are yours…or… do you just collect them …for the fun of it….or… to admire them… or …have you…will you …or…do you ever make anything with those items you love to gather?

I am a gather-er…I love collecting, be it… buttons or fabric or yarn or rocks or feet for my sewing machine…or even beads…….I find and gather… way too much…. my husband would say….but what about his 6 bikes and his ga-zillion tools???

If you are like me you
go through stages….collecting….using my collection….collecting again…and using more of my collection…I have as much fun finding items to collect as I do using them to CREATE something…In my younger…less affluent years….I was very creative…at least I think so…I didn’t collect however I used items around me creatively….like a butter knife as a screwdriver ..as I didn’t own one….and then there were the items I used to hammer those nails into the wall…and the tape measure I didn’t have so  used a string or whatever I had around to measure.

For the most part I have stopped being creative in that way….however….last week…instead of getting the nice step-ladder we have to get some thing up high…I grabbed the stool….and before I knew it… I was laying on my side…on the kitchen floor….It might have been ok except…it was slate on top of concrete…Luckil y I didn/t break anything…just a few bruises and a vow….never to climb on a stool again. …I think I have to relook my my creative endeavors for sure

I think it is time to go back to creating with my collections only….and not with household items.

till next time…let yourself free and create.



Remember when you were a kid….rremember getting a new box of crayons and being so excited ???  They were all pretty and clean and you had to try each  one …..just because you could.   For some reason my box of crayons seemed to break and look old ….long before my sister’s did..(13 months older).  I loved to look at hers as they were so pretty with many of then still having the sharp points that they had the first day of arrival…and I just didn’t know why mine got old and ugly-looking so fast ???…Could it have been that  I  was not as  careful as she was???…however….I would like to think  that  it was because I used all of mine…and I used them more often than she did….which I am sure she would dispute.

What about today….can I say that I use the whole box???  How about you??….We may no longer be playing with crayons….but…do we use it all??….I have to think about it once in a while and remind myself to USE MY   Things…how often do we save/don’t use/ things….for no good reason.. …or we save it is for later….however….it remains folded up in a drawer…or nicely placed in  cupboard??

How many parents have passed….with their families finding many unused items….clothing, dishes etc….some still having the original tags.??

Ever hear the phrase….I would rather wear out than rust out…..people use to describe how they want to live their lives???  ….. Maybe we should think of our things in the same way….and… USE OUR WHOLE BOX OF CRAYONS…..today???



Another quilt show  was a success and here is a photo of my small creation called….Slices of My Life. I suppose that is how I see my life…in slices, pieces, adventures.  It has been a while since my last musings…mostly because I needed a break and as well…because I was busy with other activities.

Sam and my writing …I have put on the shelf for now….one slice/adventure that was wonderful..one that may become the centre of my life once again…however….for now I plan on spending my mornings on the lake in my kayak !!!  A few more warm days and I will be a paddling. Now , that slice of life…kayaking…will for sure be a returning slice/adventure each summer.

I love this time of year…summer….the birds are birding…the flowers are flowering and life is good.

Yes…only one life….that is all we are allowed….all we are given to make use of ….

….ours to use in what ever way we want….

There are no reruns….no chances to do it over again…to do it better or different…THIS IS IT !!!

You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny.  The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand.  ~Irene C. Kassorla

Are you holding the pen that is writing your story…your life???….Are you in control of your own destiny???….As the hours tick..tick…tick …away….hours that belong to only you…are you happy in how they are passing????

I must admit…until breast cancer became a part of my life….I don’t think I really thought about it too much…My life was so busy I never had time to stop and reflect…to really think about it….But when your life is in jeopardy…when you are not sure if you have much of  it left to live…there comes a strange awakening…an Epiphany of sorts…. which made me suddenly  feel my time was more important than ever before…and…there came a feeling of ownership of the future hours left in my life….I now felt that ..as long as I did not impose on …or negatively affect anyone else….I was going to  spend my time as I really wanted….without feeling guilty….If I wanted to watch TV for hours???…why not…after all …it is my time to spend !!…or…like now…kayaking…if I want to be …out on the lake every morning….and spend my hours that way…I will.

It has  taught me how important  time is….it has also taught me that….my time is no more important than yours…and vise versa….I believe that our minutes are  precious….they are ours to use as we wish….To  waste another person’s time… is a travesty …a crime….Each of our life’s time is limited…and…we cannot retrieve it once it is gone….we can only use it…enjoy it…No one should be allowed to steal any of it from us.

I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I’ve written for myself,

and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part. 

~Shirley MacLaine

What kind of play have your written for yourself …so far????



Before writing another word…I want to define FATE……

  • the power  supposed to determine the outcome of events before they occur; destiny…something inevitable…what happens or has happened to a person or entity…final outcome…The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermined events.…The inevitable events predestined by this force….A final result or consequence; an outcome.

How often does life go in a certain direction and we  chalk it up to fate???….We take on the belief that…there was nothing we could have done to change the outcome….Some might even call it God’s will…or…luck ….Don’t we all…have times when we…feel we have no control over our life???…Is it possible to change our attitude???…Have you ever decided to …for example .. look at an event in your  life…and instead of seeing the negative… focus instead…on the positive and in so doing …your thinking about it changed??…How much of our day is ruled  by fate and how much by attitude???

So this all got me thinking….if we can’t change our  fate…and we have not been happy about how things have gone….we might try…changing  our  attitude….But …don’t you think that changing our attitude…might possibly….change our  “FATE”????…If we change the way we look at  and react to life….will our life…possibly change as well???

So for example…if we are in a car accident and our fender gets mangled…..we can  get mad and upset…or…have a different…attitude …that of being grateful that we were not hurt…Our attitude will not change the look of the dented fender…however…it could change how we feel …for the hours that follow…so…isn’t  attitude changing …fate changing as well???…

Could it be that we call it fate…when  we just don’t have the energy…to think differently??… Could it be that we say it was ….inevitable…because we did not know what else we could do ….to change things???…or…Could it be that we  just like  to call it fate…because we  just don’t want to take any responsibility…for…our  life’s path??

Fate…do you control it …or…. does it control you???

At twenty we worry about what others think of us;

At forty we don’t care about what others think of us;

At sixty we discover they haven’t been thinking about us at all.

— Author Unknown

Hmm…the center of the universe…for sure we are all …the center of our own universe…but…. THE UNIVERSE???

I bet we can all remember…when we  were younger…and worrying…worrying about what others thought of us…We worried about our clothes, our hair, our cars…and more…Did we fit in??…And no matter how hard we tried…we would always worry…Funny though…Do you ever remember worrying  in that way about  others??…..I  sure don’t….so why is it that…we assumed they/others… would think  about us????…

Doesn’t it stand to reason that …during those years…as everyone is worried about …what the other person is thinking of them…the other person is worried about what others are thinking of them too???…and so…it would make sense to assume that…no one is thinking about anyone but themselves!!!..Interesting that it takes us so many years to figure that one out…to realize that …no…the universe does not revolve around us.

For sure we will all experience times of success…or times of great excitement……a time when we may have a lapse of reality…a moment of regression…when we feel we are the center of the universe…. But…as the years go by…we know …we aren’t and  we never were.



Making people happier…Have you ever wondered …have I made anyone’s life  happier today???

Being happy is a place we all want to be…a place we want our children to be…a place that we can…at times…find difficult to attain…But have you ever considered  this???…Do we have the ability to make someone else s life  happier ???….Do we have the power to give to others what we are seeking for ourselves???… and…if that is so…did we make someone happier today???

Now…I am fully aware that other people cannot make our lives…happy ones…I  believe that  happiness comes from within…However…if when we are with someone…and… if we have the ability to make that person  happier/feel better…do we???…Do we make them smile…or…not???…Are we supportive…or..not???…Are we enjoyable to be with…or…not???…

Think about it for a minute…Who are the people we like to be with…Who are the ones that make us leave happier???…Is it the sad, the grumpy, the stressed, the mad, the pessimists , the talkers, the needy, the energy zappers,  the eye rollers, the know it alls???…or…Is it the happy, the calm, the energy sharers, the positive, the supportive, the  listeners, the smilers, the ones with good eye contact???..


So that got me thinking about me…and…how do people who meet me feel after leaving???…Does anyone ever feel happier???…Have I done anything to make someone’s day better???…Will I ever really know???…How about you???

Moments … sparkling stars in our hands – that melt like a snowflake.

I believe we all have things …we would like to begin doing…now…but don’t…Things that we believe would add to our lives…however…we never take the time to do them…or make the changes to be able to do them…Can it be that life is easier if…we just keep doing what we are used to doing…and ..never begin doing what we really want to do???

A few months ago…I got thinking about just that ….what  is it that I want to do…I got thinking about sparkling moments…my sparkling moments….and….have I had any lately???…I began wondering ….Am I doing what I really want to do….NOW?????….Like many of you….I have been doing what I have to do…doing what others what me to do…what I need to do…for so long….I was forgetting to pay  attention to ….what is it that I want to do???

I suppose …there can be things we want to do… but we are just are not ready to embrace them… not ready to try  something new …even though we really want to… maybe we are afraid to do …that something  we really want to do???…Maybe there are things we want to do now…but don’t know how to get there…don’t know how to take the step.

I finally did it…I embraced something new…I have begun doing something I WANT TO DO….NOW!!!….I have added a sparkling moment to my life….What is it you might be wondering???….Well…For me ….it is …The Eiderdown….my  new red and yellow and orange …40 pound kayak….yes…I went and bought  a kayak this week….It has turned out to be …exactly what “I want to do now“….I will admit…It was a bit intimidating at first thought…and it meant separating me from some of my money….however…I have been feeling the need for something new….for something that was all mine…for something challenging I could do all on my own…independently….whenever I wanted …or needed to…Who would have thought.???…A kayak…yes a kayak of all things.

It is pretty difficult to describe the feeling of moving through the water…the feeling of complete control of your body and the water surrounding you…alone in the quiet of nature…The being able  to get the kayak into and out of the truck…and …down to the water…with absolutely no assistance…to tie it down securely for travel…with only minor bumps and bruises…is exhilarating…It is an accomplishment…one that I was determined to do…but one that I even surprised myself in being able to…

Had a good friend not mentioned kayaks to me. some months ago..I am not sure I would have ever found this special something…I want to do NOW!!…My first time sitting in and paddling my kayak…I truly can tell you….was a sparkling moment in my life…Melt like a snowflake???…Not for some time I am certain.

How about you…what is it that you want to do NOW???…Don’t let those sparkling stars…melt away!!!

How does a person know…if …when….they have become who they really are???

Do you ever sit and wonder about…who you really are …and if who you are is who you really want to be???…Do you ever think about things you might like to do…but don’t…or…ways you would like to act…but don’t???

  I wonder about just that some days…I know there are things I would like to do…and ways I would like to be…and every once in a while…I find that I am able to step outside of my box…outside of my present comfort zone…I  take a step beyond who I now am…a step beyond what my life has been…and…in doing so… I do believe…it brings me closer to who I really want to be.

My will… shall shape the future….
Whether I fail or succeed…
shall be no man’s doing but my own….
I am the force. …
I can clear any obstacle before me …
or I can be lost in the maze. …
My choices are  my responsibilities. …
Win or lose…
only I hold the key to my destiny……

by Elaine Maxwell

So…will this lead me in the direction of ….becoming  more …the person I really am???….I have no idea…but one thing is for sure… I will continue …to do things…with my aim being…to become the more real me!!!

It is these little quotes that I like the best….

I think it is because they say so much…in saying so little.

Now how simple is that…fall and pick something up!!!….Yes, isn’t that true???…Isn’t it the times we fall…fail or have difficulty…that are the times we pick something up…the times we learn something…or at least we should…right???…

It seems that through our weeks and months …there are many many times that are difficult…or that we fail…that would give us zillions of opportunities in our lives to learn…to pick something up…right???… But do we???….Do we really learn as much as we could???…Do we see all the learning opportunities that come our way…day after day???

Can it be that on some days we are just sleeping …not alert to what learning possibilities are before us???…or…Maybe we are so caught up in our problems that we can’t look past them to learn from them…Can it be that we don’t want to learn …or… that we feel…we don’t need to learn??

I try to put myself into unusual and difficult situations as often as I can in order to capture the element of struggle in the music.     Neil Finn 

That makes me wonder…If  a person could take all the difficult times…one by one…and look at each in such a way as to learn from them…is it possible that difficult times… may not be so difficult after all??…If a person anticipated learning from every negative experience…is it possible that a person would see such times…in a more positive light??

Can a person become more positive about the negatives????

Is it true… that we are never ready…never prepared???….Surely we can’t always be prepared for the unexpected…but…what about the expected???…Is it that the expected…is never really what we expected at all???

I wonder…If we can’t be prepared…no matter how much we plan …is being prepared… or…at least…trying to be prepared…the right thing to do???…Should a person spend time preparing for the expected when  often ..the unexpected occurs???

I… for one have often  found myself…thinking… I know what to expect…and finding out… it was not quite what I expected…I am sure many of you have been in that same place a few or more times in your lives…and…when we find ourselves in that place…we wonder… how did we overlook those unexpected things.???..How did we …not… know what to expect???…We were so prepared..or…were we???.

It got me wondering about dealing with the unexpected …that…often arrives with the expected…I suppose the unexpected …should be expected…right??? …And if that is so…then yes…the unexpected…actually becomes the expected !!!…I got thinking about dealing with those things we had not planned on…It is easy to deal with those things we can prepare ourselves for…but how about those we have not???…Can a person… prepare for the expected…unexpected events..moments..times..situations..details in our days???

I got wondering about how well I handle the unexpected…how effective have I been in dealing with it???…These moments can cause us stress we had not counted on…can cause our emotions to erupt…so I suppose HOW we handle them …will be the deciding factor in…how well we get through our days…Like driving a car…if your equipment is in order…if it has been serviced regularly…if it has a full fuel tank.. it is as best prepared as it can be…right???….However….once it is on the road….if the driver is prepared or not…will be the deciding factor in…how it gets through it’s travels…how a driver handles the …curves and bumps along the way…There are all levels of driving skills… on the road…just as there are all levels of preparedness… in life.

Can anyone … ever really be prepared…. for what they expect???

Every decision is the right decision. 

I was talking with my daughter on the phone the other day…and she told me of a dilemma she was having…She had to make a decision …a choice…and she was not sure if she was making the right one… and for some reason I responded to her saying..“are there really any  wrong decisions”???

Isn’t it true that …at that moment…the moment  we make a decision…we have no way of knowing… if or how… a different decision could have turned out???…Sure we can speculate…and yes we can wonder…but can we ever really know??…And so…if we have no way of judging a possible different outcome from a different decision…wouldn’t it hold true that…our decision must be the right decision??

Now I am sure someone out there is not agreeing at all…but think for just a minute…Don’t you think that no matter who you are…no matter what kind of life you are living…and no matter how much knowledge you have…as an adult… faced with having to make a decision…you…we all… make the one that is right for us at that moment…the best one possible ???…..So keeping that in mind…I suppose it is possible …that if we are making the very best decisions we can …at the time we are faced with them…..YES…. every decision must be  the right one!!!.

All my life whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it .   Harry S. Truman

Could it be that …a decision is the right one…if we…believe it is the right one?”??…And if we believe it is the right one…if we accept it as the right one…isn’t it exactly that???…So then…if a person is always doubting their decisions..if a person is always thinking they could or should  have made a better one…a different one…if a person is always looking back and wishing…rather than looking ahead and living…aren’t  all of their decisions …the right decisions as well…the only difference is …they haven’t stopped to realize it???…

So it was a hard decision but I know it is the right one Graeme Le Saux

Have you ever thought about how many decisions…one person  is required to make each day???…Ever think  about  how much time  one  person can spend in a day…in…the decision making process???…That has me wondering…are there decisions through out a day …that we spend way too much time on???…Certainly there are those that require time…a bit of research and fact finding prior to a final decision…but…what about those such as … which clothes to wear or which cereal to have for breakfast…or what time to go to bed???…

If our decisions are the right ones…we need not look back…we need not have  regrets…for we know we did our  best.  SGU

  Have a wonderful Easter Weekend!!

Yes…there may come a day when our life will flash before our eyes…would ours be worth watching???

Have you ever had a moment … a moment when something caused your life to flash before you???…a moment when something  caused you to take a serious look at the years that have passed. ..how you have  spent them..something that made you wonder about the years to come and how you will spend them???…If your life flashed before you today…can you say…Yes…it was worth watching or do you think you would want to change the channel ???

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had the ability to look back…and change the channel if we did not like what flashed before us???

Well…we all know that is not possible…what is past is past…However .. if our life has not been worth watching…or if our life could be a better watch…do we have the capacity to change that???…Can a person make their life…a …more worth while watch??…In the hustle and bustle of our daily routine…can a person make changes  to  their own channel???…Can we work to change  the inevitable “life flashing  before our eyes” so we will be happy with the channel our life has been on???

That got me wondering…Is it possible in looking back…  that what we see flash before our eyes …is in part …reality combined with our  perceived reality???…Is it possible that the life that might flash before us…is a mixture of…people and events and behaviors…that we have come to believe as our life…but may not have actually occurred as we remember???….Can there be memories of our lives…that  have been manufactured by others…or…redesigned by ourselves to suit our needs and attitudes ???

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.  Albert Einstein

I wonder about this …as there are days I pick up an old journal I have written …and…I read and find to my surprise that…what I wrote about an event or feeling or behavior of a certain day…is very different from what I… now remember it to have been….In some cases it may have been only a few years and still…my memory has …over time… become distorted…So now I wonder about… if my life flashes before me one day…will it be my real life or my life distorted by time and the tricks my memory might have played.

So now I wonder…How  much of my life …that I remember to be my life…really is???…How much is a distortion of it???…When my life flashes before me one day…will I truly be watching my channel or might it be a bad connection somewhere…causing distortion???…

Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.

Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.

Hans Margolius

Think about it….How quiet are  your waters ???…How distorted are your  perceptions???

Is it true that life will only demand  from you…the strength you possess???
How interesting to think about…Does that mean that life…in some cosmic way…knows what to throw at each of us… according to our strength???….or… does it mean that no matter what life asks of you…no matter how difficult it might be….you do have the strength to handle it???
Is it possible that we all have the resiliency and strength to rise to the occasion…any occasion… if required???… Can it be that we have absolutely no idea of our strength…until the day/s come that it is needed???…Do you think it is possible to surprise…even ourselves…of the strength we all have???
I remember talking to my brother after being diagnosed with cancer. We are a family of four siblings…he being the youngest….and I remember his words to me…in all kindness he said….” Out of the four of us…if anyone were to receive such news…it’s a good thing it is you as …you are the strongest”.  My immediate thought was…well…if that is true…I sure wish I weren’t so strong…and… then was  is my doctor…in asking him how difficult was the next year going to be?…and he said…”Well, how strong are you?…I must admit…I wasn’t really sure!!!
It is worth remembering that the time of greatest gain in terms of wisdom and inner strength is often that of greatest difficulty
So if going through times of great difficulty…provides wisdom and inner strength…does that mean those who have to deal with lots of difficulty are wiser and stronger than others???…
So my question  is….I wonder how strong/resilient I really am…what about you?… Do you think we really know our own strength..our ability to be resilient?…Is it only by adversity that we find out…what we are capable of…how well we are  able to rise to each occasion as it appears???
If it is true  that If  life demands from us the strength we possess…wouldn’t it hold true that  …we have the strength to handle ANY and ALL the demands we that come our way???…That is very comforting in a strange way…don’t you agree??

You have probably heard the phrase..Seize the day….however…Can you think of a moment of happiness …that took you by surprise???….A  moment of surprise that you can actually say…seized you???

Tonight I had exactly a moment like that…I was surprised…over come….seized by the moment!!!  Our book club meeting was at my home this evening…The Happiness Project was the book we talked about…and in that chat I had mentioned that…something I would love to do is… to fly a kite!…The evening carried on…good wine…great food..and a few hours later…once the evening was just about over… and everyone began  packing up…one friend said she had a little something for me…Hmm…this was strange…and very interesting…why only for me I wondered…what ever could it be???

She ran out to her car….and…a few minutes later she returned to the  house with a bag in hand….She told us said she had done some house cleaning…and…had a few items in her car to bring to the thrift shop…however…she decided  this one item would be best if  given to me…We were all still wondering…what might it be…and then she told us…

A kite….It was a kite…she was giving me a KITE!!!

Now…is that synchronicity…serendipity…coincidence…karma…or what????…

I think we all were in awe of the event for a moment…and  I…I was so thrilled that …without even thinking …I gave her a big hug…and then we all laughed…Yes I was seized by that moment…how could I not have been????…Here we were …talking about happiness…and my evening ended with me surprised and thoroughly taken/seized by an unexpected  moment of happiness!!

So what about you???…any such moments of late??…Have you ever been the person to give  such a moment to someone else???… …Have you been the receiver of such a moment of surprise???

That has me wondering if…Is it possible for each and every one of us ….to make such moments occur…or…are such moments completely out of our hands???…Do we each have the capacity to be able to make happy moments for others???

Once the weather cooperates…you will find me out in a field….flying my newly acquired, gently used, kite!!!

Thanks to (V)…for providing us all with a moment of happiness.

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April 2024

Blog Talk Radio…happiness

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